hello!! sorry about the delay – april has destroyed me ;__; i hope everyone else is pushing through – we’re almost to summer!


a lot of QOL stuff coded this month! sadly, my job has reached crunch so writing has crawled down. I’m pumped for May to be another month of pure writing. Let’s go!!! I hope you too are able to find the time to make what you wanna share to the world!!!


I used this tutorial by Fenikdev.

These are great for making it look like you’ve a load more assets then you do, and you know more about coding then you do. Takes a bit to understand, but they can work in place of a CG or you want to do a camera cut in. They’re fantastic at adding that next level of polish.


I was using one of the many, many phone messaging system for renpy on itchio. The thing about most of them are... they’re... not written to be used by non-coders like myself, and they’re bit too shoestring-y for me to fully understand.

Then I remembered, one of renpy’s last major updates was the text bubble system... a plan formed in my mind...

bingo! Aren’t old moblie phones wonderful? You only ever saw one text at a time!

screenshot0154 screenshot0170


I like games with an updating index/character profiles. I used this recent Renpy update log as a reference where they create a wiki. It does use hotlinks though, so it can be annoying to deal with them. But for now, I like it.


I really wanted to incorporate this randomizer in some form in this project. Originally, I was going to use it for Charlie’s sprites... but I didn’t want to draw more... SO... Doodles on the history page!


More writing... I am slow... I have also realized.... I am what they call a “pantser”. The more detailed I’ve made an outline, the more my brain feels I’ve already written it – if that makes sense. It looks like I’m a vibes only writer...

Trophies WILL come out this summer!!!!! God willing!!!! These characters have got to get out of my head and into yours.

xoxo gg8473


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